I'm not certain how to separate posts from the other thread, so I'm making another one for this campaign, for purposes of listing house rules and campaign info in one quick, easy to find place.
Pathfinder ResourcesPaizo publishes their official SRD site here:
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/There is a community-built Pathfinder SRD here:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/Campaign Background Resources:Kingmaker Player's Guide for the campaign - It gives some brief background on what the campaign will be about and where you will be from.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62531235/Pathf ... 0Guide.pdfHere is some more detailed information on the country Brevoy, where you'll be from, extracted from one of the campaign books:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62531235/Pathf ... Brevoy.pdfHere is some other supplemental info from another source book:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62531235/Pathf ... 0Guide.pdfCharacter BuildsFor rolling stats, I think we'll use the "heroic" build, with 2d6+6 rolled x6, and then assigned to stats. Free rerolls are allowed if your highest stat is a 13, or you only have one stat with a bonus, or your total bonuses for all stats equal +1. You may choose to reroll if you don't like your stats and they do not meet the criteria for a free reroll, but BEWARE: only one chosen reroll is allowed, it must be kept (unless it meets the requirements for a free reroll), and in choosing to reroll, your character will be a female.
For hit point rolls, always reroll your first "1", but if a second "1" is rolled, it must be kept.
I use an Appearance stat (AP) to give a more quantitative stat to overall appearance of characters and NPCs in the game. To generate your AP stat, roll 2d4 + CHA bonus. This will be the "tens place" of the stat. If your result is more than one digit, your AP will be above 100. Then roll one d10. This will be your "ones place" stat. Merge the two for the final tally. I consider "average" appearance to be ~55-60.
(example - I have a CHA bonus of +2. I roll a 1 and a 3 on my 2d4, and add my CHA, giving me a 6. I roll a 7 on my d10. My AP is a 67)
You are completely free to make any kind of character you'd like, no restrictions from me. I'm not a fan of half-orcs, but if you really want to, feel free. It would probably be a good idea to have you supplement each other's classes. Having three wizards or sorcerers would probably be a bad idea, as would three barbarians or fighters, although the three barbarians would probably survive MUCH longer than the three spellcasters.
I will give out bonus XP for good character backgrounds, and also journals/write-ups/summaries of the campaign, especially if done in a short story from their character perspectives. We won't be ready to start for a while yet, but think about the party relationships and how you know each other or have come to meet each other.
Dice RollsFor the purposes of quickly going through as much as we can, I'll probably roll skill checks for you on things you wouldn't know what you rolled anyway (perception checks, etc). We won't need to wait for the dice rolls to come back, and I'll just describe what you end up noticing, or whatever.
As a general rule, anything that you would normally inform the other party members of in a reasonable manner I won't keep separate from everyone knowing, unless anyone dislikes that idea and would rather have the final say of what their character shares or doesn't. I'll work on a separate Campaign thread for RPing and the like. Let's continue to use this one for OOC discussions, tests, rules info, recruiting members, etc.
GeographyThe adventure opens on the day of your choosing (no earlier than March 1st) of the year 4710, eleven years after the ruling family of Brevoy all mysteriously disappeared overnight throughout the kingdom. You will start the adventure at Oleg's Trading Post, roughly 100 miles west of the city of Restov (see Brevoy Map from the Player's Guide). Oleg's is roughly three days from Restov by horse, or maybe two days with a stage and a big team of horses in a hurry. It is at least a 4-5 day walk.
The area you are exploring will be revealed as you fully explore each hex space on the map (see the Player's Guide). Each hex space on the map is 12 miles across. As you get pretty familiar with the territory, I'll give you a real map with the areas explored. You are the Lewis and Clark of Brevoy, sent off to explore lands to be settled and claimed.
Keep in mind the weather of this land when picking your start date. It is generally shitty and cold in Brevoy, with terrible, nasty, really unpleasant winters up by the Lake, and cool weather most of the rest of the time. Expected highs in the summer around 85°F, and lows in the winter around -20°F. For you foreigners, that is ~29°C for the summer high, and ~-29°C for lows in the winter.
To fully explore a hex to map it and claim it takes between 1 and 3 days depending upon terrain, your speed, and maybe a bit more if you are encumbered.
The Map of the Stolen Lands as you know it when the adventure starts:
https://plus.google.com/photos/10961116 ... banner=pwa