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PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:20 pm 
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I'm not certain how to separate posts from the other thread, so I'm making another one for this campaign, for purposes of listing house rules and campaign info in one quick, easy to find place.

Pathfinder Resources
Paizo publishes their official SRD site here:

There is a community-built Pathfinder SRD here:

Campaign Background Resources:
Kingmaker Player's Guide for the campaign - It gives some brief background on what the campaign will be about and where you will be from.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62531235/Pathf ... 0Guide.pdf

Here is some more detailed information on the country Brevoy, where you'll be from, extracted from one of the campaign books:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62531235/Pathf ... Brevoy.pdf

Here is some other supplemental info from another source book:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62531235/Pathf ... 0Guide.pdf

Character Builds
For rolling stats, I think we'll use the "heroic" build, with 2d6+6 rolled x6, and then assigned to stats. Free rerolls are allowed if your highest stat is a 13, or you only have one stat with a bonus, or your total bonuses for all stats equal +1. You may choose to reroll if you don't like your stats and they do not meet the criteria for a free reroll, but BEWARE: only one chosen reroll is allowed, it must be kept (unless it meets the requirements for a free reroll), and in choosing to reroll, your character will be a female.

For hit point rolls, always reroll your first "1", but if a second "1" is rolled, it must be kept.

I use an Appearance stat (AP) to give a more quantitative stat to overall appearance of characters and NPCs in the game. To generate your AP stat, roll 2d4 + CHA bonus. This will be the "tens place" of the stat. If your result is more than one digit, your AP will be above 100. Then roll one d10. This will be your "ones place" stat. Merge the two for the final tally. I consider "average" appearance to be ~55-60.
(example - I have a CHA bonus of +2. I roll a 1 and a 3 on my 2d4, and add my CHA, giving me a 6. I roll a 7 on my d10. My AP is a 67)

You are completely free to make any kind of character you'd like, no restrictions from me. I'm not a fan of half-orcs, but if you really want to, feel free. It would probably be a good idea to have you supplement each other's classes. Having three wizards or sorcerers would probably be a bad idea, as would three barbarians or fighters, although the three barbarians would probably survive MUCH longer than the three spellcasters.

I will give out bonus XP for good character backgrounds, and also journals/write-ups/summaries of the campaign, especially if done in a short story from their character perspectives. We won't be ready to start for a while yet, but think about the party relationships and how you know each other or have come to meet each other.

Dice Rolls
For the purposes of quickly going through as much as we can, I'll probably roll skill checks for you on things you wouldn't know what you rolled anyway (perception checks, etc). We won't need to wait for the dice rolls to come back, and I'll just describe what you end up noticing, or whatever.

As a general rule, anything that you would normally inform the other party members of in a reasonable manner I won't keep separate from everyone knowing, unless anyone dislikes that idea and would rather have the final say of what their character shares or doesn't. I'll work on a separate Campaign thread for RPing and the like. Let's continue to use this one for OOC discussions, tests, rules info, recruiting members, etc.

The adventure opens on the day of your choosing (no earlier than March 1st) of the year 4710, eleven years after the ruling family of Brevoy all mysteriously disappeared overnight throughout the kingdom. You will start the adventure at Oleg's Trading Post, roughly 100 miles west of the city of Restov (see Brevoy Map from the Player's Guide). Oleg's is roughly three days from Restov by horse, or maybe two days with a stage and a big team of horses in a hurry. It is at least a 4-5 day walk.

The area you are exploring will be revealed as you fully explore each hex space on the map (see the Player's Guide). Each hex space on the map is 12 miles across. As you get pretty familiar with the territory, I'll give you a real map with the areas explored. You are the Lewis and Clark of Brevoy, sent off to explore lands to be settled and claimed.

Keep in mind the weather of this land when picking your start date. It is generally shitty and cold in Brevoy, with terrible, nasty, really unpleasant winters up by the Lake, and cool weather most of the rest of the time. Expected highs in the summer around 85°F, and lows in the winter around -20°F. For you foreigners, that is ~29°C for the summer high, and ~-29°C for lows in the winter.

To fully explore a hex to map it and claim it takes between 1 and 3 days depending upon terrain, your speed, and maybe a bit more if you are encumbered.

The Map of the Stolen Lands as you know it when the adventure starts:
https://plus.google.com/photos/10961116 ... banner=pwa

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:32 pm 
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Attached is the map of the area that you know of so far. There is more to the North shown on the map in the Player's Guide. Also, ignore the compass on the map at an angle. North should be straight up as far as we're concerned. I'll reveal more areas and post them as you discover them.

EDIT: Attaching the picture breaks the page. It is too wide. Is there a way to disable the preview of the map, and just have a link to download the picture file?

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:18 pm 
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I think you can upload it elsewhere on the forums and then link it here. You can also upload a thumbnail or smaller picture and then link the image (right click the image and view properties to get the link to the image)... or photobucket works too.



I can also gimp/paint.net anything for basic photo-chopping as needed.

Ryric Krael
Former Vice President AGN
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Ask not what your PA can do for you, but what you can do for your PA
"Gone Section Five"

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:36 pm 
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Blast from the past!

Gonna find my old picture aswell

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:02 pm 
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My character will be a human Wizard named Gednan Malithanar. Stats TBD.

Is there a Tavern in Oleg's Trading Post that we can start our RP at? (This may already be in one of the rule books I have yet to read!) (EDIT: this question not relevent, see next post)

Gednan will be of Chaotic Good alignment and so will need persuading to join a party to help the law of the land! :)

Will probably roll my character's stats on Monday, when I've had a chance to read enough of the background, and then I'll jump into the RP.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:19 am 
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Having now read a bit of the background, it seems we are already a party when we start the campaign at Oleg's Trading Post, so I would like to start the RP a bit earlier and explore how our characters actually meet and form a party. For me this would help explore some of the characteristics and background of the character and the interactions between members of the party. I would suggest a Tavern somewhere. This would help fill the time between now and the point that we're ready to start. Again, I'll put a first RP post in either later today, if I have a chance, or tomorrow.

Presumably you guys are happy doing a bit of RP?


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:04 pm 
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I'm making progress on my Character creation. I have the basic stats down and now just need to work on assigning the skill points and selecting feats and spells. I decided to put together my own character sheet spreadsheet in LibreOffice, using Cet's as a guide, which took up a lot of my time today and is the reason I'm not yet ready to reveal my character to you all in RP just yet! Maybe in the next couple of days.

EDIT: Cet, are we making use of the Campaign Traits from the Kingmaker Player's Guide? If so, do the items we are given as part of that have to come out of our starting money (for example, I'm thinking about going with the Pioneer Campaign Trait, which says I would start play with a horse)?

Secondly, Can you give an example of how your appearance stat is used in play?


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:54 pm 
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Yes, use at least one character trait from the player's guide. Any gear, equipment, etc, that is granted by a trait is in addition to your starting money.

The AP stat isn't really used as a stat in play, but is just a convenient way the evaluate general attractiveness of players and NPCs beyond the CHA stat, which encompasses much more and I don't feel is a good approximation. Appearance is certainly CHA weighted, but CHA represents charm, one's natural ability to influence and persuade, intimidate, and also self-confidence, etc. AP is simply pure physical beauty/attractiveness.

I use it as a quantitative descriptor. Rather than trying to spend a lot of time trying to describe someone as a truly rare beauty, lovelier than you've ever seen or could possibly imagine, and I really mean it, etc, I can describe the basic features/characteristics of the elven princess and say she has an appearance of 111 and you'll have a good understanding, especially if you've never encountered anyone above an 80 before.

It can also be handy if the players come up with a plan that involves using physical attractiveness in some manner, and it gives me an easy basis to assign modifiers in that situation.

For some who like to brag about conquests of an intimate nature, it also gives a nice reference point.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:22 pm 
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A horse? What are you a wimpy wizard? We are leaving that thing at the first cave or dense forest we find!

Perhaps I am dense, but we pick two traits right? Probably at least one from Kingmaker AP (I am so getting an aldori dueling sword), where is the list of other traits? I found it on a wiki. Did I just fall asleep while reading that chapter in the core rules?

I have read through combat chapter and the Brev/AP material and rolled most of my character stats!

Ryric Krael
Former Vice President AGN
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Former Head of Department of the Treasury
Ask not what your PA can do for you, but what you can do for your PA
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:10 pm 
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You can use two traits from the player's guide, or you can use general pathfinder traits. I can't remember if there are traits are listed in the core rule book or not, but you can look them up on the Pathfinder SRD sites. Paizo publishes their official one here:

There is a community one here:

Both contain the same info, just presented slightly differently. I generally prefer the organizational structure of the Paizo one myself. I'll update the first post with the links as well.

EDIT: I don't think I fully understood your question the first time. Yes, you get two traits. You should select one from the Kingmaker campaign. The other can be any of your choosing, including a second one from the Kingmaker campaign if you desire.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:13 pm 
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Dragon Fire wrote:
A horse? What are you a wimpy wizard?
Strength is my dump stat so I can only carry 30lbs. The horse is needed to carry the rest. I don't plan to actually ride it!


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:39 pm 
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X2-PB wrote:
Dragon Fire wrote:
A horse? What are you a wimpy wizard?
Strength is my dump stat so I can only carry 30lbs. The horse is needed to carry the rest. I don't plan to actually ride it!

Uh? Gandalf the White had a horse...


Well I have picked Race and Class...

Have a shopping list handy for what to buy... Presuming the GM/DM (Which one do we use? Game or Dungeon?) would be nice enough to place us near a well equipped store...

Still looking over the traits and skills and everything...
What is essential to start in the game? (that is character creation).

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:43 am 
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Azz - we will start at the trading post where we can buy things and start out

So first draft dropbox pdf or jpg of first page. Plan on making a lot of changes including the name, and obviously gear (until we get the outpost and can buy some), but just having a go at it to try out the tools.

I want to figure out how we can display our characters properly on the forums. Potentially converting the pdf's to jpg and embedding them in our own threads where we can update as needed?

Found a couple spots where my traits/feats were not changing the stats in YAPCG (CMD based on a feat that uses hit die instead of BAB). Cet, can you confirm if I need the exotic weapon prof. feat with the Sword Scion trait? Without it the calc was dinging me -4 attack for not being proficient so I am guessing I need it unless I go longsword instead.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:50 am 
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from an RP perspective I was thinking of starting out with:

  1. background
  2. how we all fell in together (once people have some backgrounds etched we can figure this out)
  3. getting the charter from the scribe (lets call this March 1st, we can decided when we plan to leave on our adventure in RP)
  4. follow up tavern visit / celebrations / preparations
  5. split off and finish up any business in restov
  6. travel to the trading outpost (we don't need to RP the entire trip)
  7. profit?

Ryric Krael
Former Vice President AGN
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Former Head of Department of the Treasury
Ask not what your PA can do for you, but what you can do for your PA
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:34 pm 
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I've seen mention of Myth Weavers (http://www.myth-weavers.com/forumhome.php) on the Roll20.net forums for character sheets. I've never used them, though, nor really investigated them to determine how they work or if they are easy to use or not. They may be a decent option, though, and they are free, which is a plus. If you do decide to check them out, let me know what you think.

Azz, for character creation you need to be fairly familiar with chapters 1-7. Chapter 8 covers combat and actions and a bunch of important rules. The rest can be looked over as needed, unless you plan on doing a lot of spellcasting, in which case you should really study up on those rules, as they are the most complicated. There is lots of good stuff later on about environments, exploration, items, etc, but none of that is essential for you to know to get started.

And we use GM. I'm not using nomenclature trademarked to one system.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:23 pm 
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I'm pretty much done rolling my character now. I just need to select the spells to fill my spell book with and read up on the background and combat rules.

Cet, how many spells do I select initially for my spellbook? I can find the section that says how many spells I can cast per day but not how many I can initially put in my spellbook for free.

Dragon Fire wrote:
from an RP perspective I was thinking of starting out with:
  1. background
  2. how we all fell in together (once people have some backgrounds etched we can figure this out)
  3. getting the charter from the scribe (lets call this March 1st, we can decided when we plan to leave on our adventure in RP)
  4. follow up tavern visit / celebrations / preparations
  5. split off and finish up any business in restov
  6. travel to the trading outpost (we don't need to RP the entire trip)
  7. profit?
I'm pretty happy with this sequence. I'll get to my part of the story in the next couple of days.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:27 am 
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one amendment, reading the RP thread we get the charter in Feb, not march. But we cannot start the trip until march at the earliest.

Originally I was thinking of going recluse ranger, but I think fighter and the aldori has steered me into Jedi a bit. :oops:

Ryric Krael
Former Vice President AGN
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Ask not what your PA can do for you, but what you can do for your PA
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:30 am 
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Yes, sorry, I didn't catch that earlier. You will need cold weather gear for your characters, and weather will be a serious obstacle in this campaign. It will not be consistently warm enough all the time to adventure during the fall, winter, and spring months. A good survival skill will keep you alive, and also help you know what the weather will be like in general, and specifically over a brief span of several future days. Once everyone gets their characters made, you can each make a survival check to determine when you think it would be most advantageous to start.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:27 pm 
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Ok, my background is up. Still need to add spells.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:30 pm 
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Ok. I think I'm pretty much there! My character sheet can be found here.

On the RP front, where do we want our characters to meet? I suggest a tavern in Restov.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:43 pm 
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You could meet as a business opportunity, one of you having received the charter to explore the greenbelt, or you could already be a party and one of you is approached to be given the charter. If would be very easy for DF's guy to have been given the charter as he already has an "in" with the Sword Lords. That would make him the defacto leader of the party, and I'm not certain how everyone feels about that.

If you end up having difficulty with the adventure, being a party of 3 instead of 4, I'll roll a character to be a companion and help, but not make decisions.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:28 pm 
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X2 - how about this concept:

Your teacher (wizard) and my father (swordlord) have decided that we both need to prove ourselves or have reached the limits of our training and need real experiences and trials. We had become acquainted through my family purchasing various pieces of furniture from your father. At the tavern we discuss this and decide that we want to go exploring hearing about the Greenbelt Charters and will leverage our mentor's considerable power to secure a charter. We of course realize our lack of real nature skills and shanghai the nice ranger fellow who perhaps enjoys the same local watering hole we do.

Started here:

Ryric Krael
Former Vice President AGN
Former Director, Section 6
Former Head of Department of the Treasury
Ask not what your PA can do for you, but what you can do for your PA
"Gone Section Five"

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:17 pm 
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I like this for all but this bit:
Dragon Fire wrote:
We of course realize our lack of real nature skills and shanghai the nice ranger fellow who perhaps enjoys the same local watering hole we do.
My survival skill modifier is +10! (Really with the sort of character background I've gone for I really should have rolled a Ranger or a Druid, if it weren't for the fact that I wanted to play a Wizard!!)

So we need a hook for Azz. And something bit more inventive than just need another member for the party!! I quite like the idea of camaraderie through a bar brawl, but that's a bit cliché and would rather throw us out of favour with the landlord (Who I've decided is a friendly chap!).

By the way, I've also decided that this tavern is called The Duelling Swords.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:49 pm 
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I figured I'd "cut to the chase" with the dialogue or it could take weeks to finish the prologue!

Also, DF, I forgot to mention I brought a couple of hares (of the winter variety!) along that I'd caught earlier in the day. Braz might like to notice those!


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:00 pm 
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you have hares...in a bar...with hungry patrons? :twisted:

Ryric Krael
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Former Head of Department of the Treasury
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"Gone Section Five"

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:18 pm 
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Yeah, I have practically no money so I figured I would barter for a drink and some food with a couple of hares! They could make a good stew with that!


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:57 pm 
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If you two really want, we could RP the entire "get to know you" encounter. We could also surmise a bit and with some handwaving, move on.

Would you also please link/upload/otherwise transfer to me a copy of your full character sheet?

Has anyone heard from Azz in a while? I haven't seen a character sheet or background from him. I don't think I've missed it. I've been checking the forums primarily on my phone, stimulated by email alerts to replies, so I could have missed it, but I'm not seeing anything right now.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:11 pm 
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Link here: http://karmola-shipyards.co.uk/pathfinder/Pathfinder%20Character%20Template%20-%20Gednan%20Malithanar.pdf

I'm quite liking the RP at the moment. Plus we need to wait for Azz. I'm not aware of him having done a sheet yet.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:02 pm 
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Here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/61155341/BrazSheet.pdf

I will keep it updated at that address and in my thread: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=20796

Ryric Krael
Former Vice President AGN
Former Director, Section 6
Former Head of Department of the Treasury
Ask not what your PA can do for you, but what you can do for your PA
"Gone Section Five"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:57 am 
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I think we're nearly there on the RP for the prologue, DF. All it needs now is you doing just a little bit more persuading in your next post. Then I'll accept in mine and we head out. We can then either do a spot of RP with Azz when he's ready or just say that he joins are party and carry on with the main story.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:09 pm 
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If Azz isn't available, it will probably be a good idea for each of you to make a second character. You can probably get away with only 3 characters in the adventure, but not with only 2. He hasn't finished a character yet, either. If he does get rolling, we can always add him in later, but if we wait, it could be a long wait. This isn't going to be a quick-moving adventure even with two playing by post.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:47 pm 
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Ok, I'll roll up a Dwarven Melee Ranger. I'll bump up the heal skills so that we have a bit of a healer in the group. We probably ought to have a cleric, but I don't fancy playing two spellcasters!! DF, if you want to do that, feel free but don't feel obligated to do so. It might be fun to have a party with some more obscure classes!


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:01 pm 
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If you don't want to have a Cleric, a Druid isn't a bad choice. The animal companion can be an excellent assistant in combat, and they can get heal spells as well. They aren't as good at healing quickly as a cleric, but would probably do fine. A bard also gets healing spells and a ton of useful (non-combat) related perks. Paladins also have some innate healing powers, and are decent at combat.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:05 pm 
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Ok, I now also have a Dwarven Ranger - Character sheet here: http://karmola-shipyards.co.uk/pathfinder/Pathfinder%20Character%20Template%20-%20Dukin%20Thunderstrike.pdf

Dukin joins the party at the Trading Post. I'll think up a background for him at some point and put it up.

Links to both character sheets are also in my signature.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:30 am 
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Loving everything you guys are doing here! Very entertaining, even the OOC thread. I am jealous!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:57 pm 
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You ain't seen nothin' yet! :D


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:42 pm 
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You wanna join in, Cyrus? At the rate we're going, real life time will advance more quickly than game time, lol. No worries there, though. I just got promoted, and am finally officially doing project management work as my job description. I am now completely swamped at work. I'll still be available after hours, but for the next several weeks at least, my free time is officially neutered.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:34 am 
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Sorry, I can't. I'm just getting started at this new position… working from 7am to 10 or 11pm seven days a week. This time around its real hard work, and kicking my ass. I’m so exhausted that I literally fall asleep as soon as I leave the office, even the bombs and fighter jets don’t wake me anymore.

I’ll try to follow along. Perhaps I can catch you next time if things around here slow down.

Again, I love your organization and preparation. Good job. Very inspirational.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:29 pm 
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You guys all got busy or something?! :)


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:44 pm 
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Yes, these last two weeks have been really rough. I expect it to start slowing down again in maybe two more weeks. I'll at least have a better handle on things.

I can still be involved, just not quite so much time in on it. Did Azz ever show back up? Did DF get a second character made?

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

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