Dept Vice Heads and the BoD
Posted by: Archive Bot, 31 Mar 2003 03:43
The Deparmtent vice Heads have all been selected by their Heads. Here they are right below.

Our new Department Vice Heads:
Master Edward Department of Resources
Mantison Tau'rus Department of the Interior
AcritusDepartment of Economic and Foreign Affairs
ShinDepartment of Security

Congratulations to all, and good luck with your new positions.

Board of Director Elections
The next BoD election session begins tomorrow. Starting Monday and for the next week you will be allowed to nominate yourseld in the Section Archive. The following week will be the actual election so please be sure to stop by and make your vote count.

New Role-playing thread.
Onto Kracken has started a new thread in the RP board entitled, "The Raid". Be sure to check it out, and if you're interested, make a few posts.


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