This thread will deal with the F2P games that are currently out there.
I will be including basic information on each game, updates and reviews. I will also be including information on Avian's involvement in any games we start maintaining a presence in.
F2P Game Lists
Current Games DDO - Dungeons and Dragons Online RoM - Runes of Magic LotRO - Lord of the Rings Online
Coming Soon AoC - Age of Conan: Unrated
Look for more information soon. This is a living document, and information will change regularly as necessary.
_________________ "Loose with Dignity" Robert Second President, Avian Gamers
DDO - Cannith - AlistairItor - Rogue/Ranger (5/3) - Main DDO - Cannith - Guijanitor - Paladin/Rogue (4/1) DDO - Cannith - RicochetItor - Rogue (5)