Sorry it is taking me so long to be involved...
Thursday, March 1st -
The day dawns cold and clear, with a bite in the air. By the time the sun actually peeks above the horizon at roughly 6:30 AM, the temperature is barely above 0°F. There has been some light snow the past two days, with a dusting still remaining on the ground and clumped around small bushes and tussocks of dead, dried grass. Thankfully the wind has died down completely, and it is perfectly calm.
As Gednan and Braz make preparations to get on the road, the smell of wood smoke fills the air from cooking and heating fires throughout Restov. The middens have all completely frozen, leaving no hint of smell, and the hoarfrost on the wooden railings of the inn glisten in the early morning light. The sun shines strongly in the pale blue sky, with a hint of light, wispy clouds high, high up in the sky.
It seems an absolutely gorgeous, perfect day, if you didn't have to be out in it. Indeed, the cold makes your nose run, which of course immediately begins to freeze in your nostrils as well, leading to a tight, prickly, tingly, almost burning sensation, and thoughts start creeping into your head wondering about the wisdom of walking to Oleg's today. Maybe hiring a coach wouldn't be so bad, although that money pouch feels awfully light. The fire back inside sure seems inviting. Maybe waiting a day or two, or a week, or a month, wouldn't be so bad. Or really, maybe just next year. That serving wench did seem pretty cute...
_________________ Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!